Thomas Kinkade: Painter of Light 2001 Calendar

Category: Books,Religion & Spirituality,Worship & Devotion

Thomas Kinkade: Painter of Light 2001 Calendar Details

2001 CALENDAR Read more


I cannot explain in enough words what I think about Thomas Kinkade's work on everything he has accomplished. It touches the deepest part of my heart to see his paintings and all his loving devotion to his family. I give these Calendars as Gifts year after year and I can truly say my friends truly Thank me and Appreciate my thoughtfulness in more ways than one. There in nothing more Beautiful than sharing something as Special as Thomas Kinkade's calendars with your friends. I finally got a small Picture only a print of Thomas Kinkade just today and I cannot hardly wait to hang it up and look at it daily. And this year I am going to Buy myself a calendar also, and treat myself to the Beauty of Thomas Kinkade calendar to look at also. I also plan on ordering them again for my friends if I did not they would be disappointed not to see Thomas Kinkade calendar that love so much daily. I have a saying I have said for years that I heard as a small child, and I believe in it with All My Heart and Soul."If you cannot say something nice do not say anything at all."Thomas Kinkade is respected and admired by all I know. Sincerely Wishing everyone all the best and God Bless You Always

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